Canberra Flower Festival comes from September 14th to October 13th, which marks the beginning of spring.
堪培拉花卉节是澳大利亚最大的花卉节,在这充满芬芳花香的 30 天里,百万朵含苞待放的春蕾让整个堪培拉充满勃勃生机。当花朵绽开花苞,一幅令人惊艳的美景呈现在你的眼前。这是堪培拉绿地公园和本地花园之外的又一色彩缤纷的季节馈赠。
Canberra Flower Festival is the largest floral festival in Australia, which makes the entire Canberra thriving and alive. Millions of flower blossom is amazing. This is another beautiful scenery besides Canberra green parks and local gardens.
在欣赏鲜花争艳斗丽的同时,还可流连于热闹的集市和美食摊位。 亦可参与讲习班、展览会和现场音乐会。 亦可了解园艺知识,在花丛中观看电影,或是沿着花卉节路径(Floriade Trail)前往艺术馆、纪念碑及首都的其他众多景点。花卉节每年迎接 400,000 多名本地、各州及各国的参观者。你怎么能错过这场盛宴呢?
Enjoy the blooming flowers, while walk through the market and food stores. You can also participate in workshops, exhibitions and live concerts. Grasp the gardening knowledge, watch movies in the flowers, or go to other attractions, such as the museum of art, the monuments. More than 400,000 local and overseas visitors join the Flower Festival each year. So don’t miss this feast in Canberra!

花卉节中,超过百万朵鲜花在花床里同时绽开! 这项将景观花园和大自然结合起来的创意,需要细心的栽种和18个月的漫长规划。 花床拥有大胆的设计,反映的主题也年年不同。其中的郁金香、鸢尾花、水仙花、堇菜、菊花和雏菊纷纷怒放。 以前的主题曾包括“盛开的摇滚”和“鲜花中的诗歌”。今年的主题为“沉思”。
Millions of flowers are fully in bloom at the same time in flower bed, which requires 18 months planning in advance and careful planting. The design of flower bed has different theme each year. Previous themes include the “blooming rock” and “poems in flowers.” The theme of this year is “contemplation.”

(Overlook the flower bed)