
Some parents said:” My kids are introverted, so I would like to have them participated in more activities”, and some parents thought: “Cultivating confidence is quite important for introverted kids.”
The columnist for New York Times Susan Cain gave her point of view regarding introverts as below.

苏珊•凯恩是“安静革命”公司的创始人之一,也是纽约时报、大西洋日报、华尔街日报的专栏作家。她的书《Quiet:The Power of Introverts in a World ThatCan’tStop Talking》(注:中文书名为《安静:内向性格的竞争力》)被翻译成36种语言,她的TED演讲播放次数超过了1000万,被比尔•盖茨列为自己最喜欢的演讲之一。
Susan Cain is one of the founders of “quiet revolution” company, she is also the columnist for New York Times, the Atlantic Daily and Wall Street Journal. Her book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Cannot Stop Talking” has been translated into 36 languages. Her TED speech has been played for more than 10 million times, and it is one of Bill Gates’ favorite speeches.
Before becoming a writer, Susan •Cain was a lawyer on Wall Street, and she worked as consultant for well-known companies such as General Motors. When she realized that she had always evaded introversion (for example, she obviously liked to stay in the quiet and comfortable place with friends, but she chose to go to the crowded noisy bars), she decided to write a book for her own experience and findings.
内向和害羞不一样 Introverted and shy are different
“About one third to half of people around the world are introverted. Introverted and shy are different. Shy means the person is afraid of comments. Introverted means the way to respond to external environment, including social communication. Extrovert feel confident and positive when communicating with others, but introvert feel comfortable and lively in quiet environment. “Susan Cain said in TED presentation.
Unfortunately, now the kids always need to do group tasks, which is more suitable for extroverts. The kids who like to stay or study alone always feel out of the loop.
调动内向小孩参与 Engaging the Quiet Kids
那么,学校教育该如何支持、鼓励内向的孩子呢?SusanCain 和Emily Klein在2015年发表的文章《Engaging the Quiet Kids: Brain Science and the Teaching ofIntroverts》 (中文名:调动内向的小孩:脑科学和内向学生的教学)列出了一些对内向学生教育很成功的学校教育案例。
– 采取小班授课:让每个学生有更多的时间去参与实践。
– 创造活跃的课堂气氛:老师精心为课堂学习做准备,让学生们专心致志的参与到很多活动中来。包括思考,写作,分组学习和分享学习成果。
– 和性格内向的学生建立联系:即使性格内向的学生并不善于交流,老师更多的和这些学生进行眼神交流和微笑,让他们感受到老师时刻在身边关注他们。
– 鼓励性格内向的学生可以独立发言:为他们预先准备课堂发言内容,或是问题的答案。引导父母如何去支持他们的孩子。
– 为害怕在公众场合演讲的学生建立一个群体:这样可以帮助性格内向的学生取得更好的成绩。
How schools can accommodate their introverted students
In 2015, Susan Cain and Emily Klein published the article《Engaging the Quiet Kids: Brain Science and the Teaching of Introverts》, which contained some successful cases of how to help quiet students.
– Have small class sizes with more time for each individual to participate.
– Change classroom dynamics. Teachers think about orchestrating classroom engagement, defined as how absorbed students are in avariety of tasks. This might involve “think, pair, share” with students reflecting, writing, and then discussing with one other classmate.
– Connect with introverted students. The teachers intentionally make warm eye contact with them, “smiles that let them know I that know they are with me, even if they are not sharing as much.”
– Encourage quiet students to talk individually. Prep shystudents for a comment their might make in class or a question they might think about answering. Parents can also be coached on how to support their introverted children.
– Create groups for students who are anxious about public speaking. In this way good schools can help quiet students achieve at a higher level.