In September, Year 10 students of Haileybury International School had military training for one week.

They used to live comfortably, but this time, they were trained in the hot sun, and this special experience is really impressive.
It is the first time for most of the students to practice military boxing and goose step. Some students felt in disposed inthe hot sun, but they never gave up.
Some of them are lazy and finicky, but when entering Haileybury International School, they determined to be strong and independent, and started to plan for their future.
The military training is boring and tough. The new students were trained in the hot sun with camouflage, they left the comfortable life, suffered pain and missed the families. But they will also miss the quick march, the wet military uniform, and the harsh instructor…
Without the military training, these students cannot build up the courage to overcome obstacles in such short time. And they cannot get familiar with the new Haileybury family so quickly. In Haileybury, they helped each other, and built profound friendship.
“Looking Forward”, the students have their dream and bright future;“Quick March”, it is the new start for their life. We believe, the students will have an exciting and meaningful life in Haileybury!