



男孩 女孩




期中考试结束后,上周五中午12:30开始,黑利伯瑞学校召开了初中和高中学生家长会。 由于各年级学生情况及教学重点等不尽相同,且人数较多,所以初中和高中分别开会, 两个家长会议程前后顺序有所不同,但均由三项构成:校长讲话,班主任介绍班级情况,家长向各学科老师咨询。Nicholas Dwyer校长和John Cantwell 校长向各位家长阐述了学校的教学宗旨以及澳大利亚教育理念在我校的具体实践。在班主任讲话和向各科老师咨询环节,家长踊跃提问,对学生学习和成长非常关心。14:30,家长会结束,全体家长受邀前往剧院参加我校二期工程的落成典礼。
After the mid-term examinations, the school organized a parents’ meeting last Friday at 12:30 for junior and senior students respectively. Due to the difference in course teaching and too many parents attending the meeting, different schedules were followed. But both meeting contain three major items: speech by the principals, communication with the homeroom teachers and consulting with the subject teachers. Principal Dr. Nicholas Dwyer and Principal Dr. John Cantwell talked about teaching philosophy of our school and Australian teaching concept and our practice accordingly in China. When communicating with homeroom teachers and consulting with the subject teachers, the parents raised many questions concerning the study and growth of the students. The meetings were concluded at 14:30 and all the parents were then invited to the Establishment Ceremony of our school in the theatre.