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为丰富校园学习生活,提高学生多方面能力,上周,黑利伯瑞国际学院组织进行了学生才艺展示。总体分美术类和音乐类两部分。美术类由雕刻、书法、油画、素描等组成,从众多的学生创作中优选出来的作品在教学楼一楼进行展示。周五下午13:30,在学校剧院集中展示了音乐类节目,节目中既有代表中国传统音乐的琵琶和古筝和武术,也有展现国际化风格的英文歌曲演出、中法语诗朗诵和非洲鼓表演,同时,还包括展现学生青春活力的舞蹈等。整场演出精彩纷呈,高潮迭起,John Cantwell校长对同学们的展现出的国际化的演出给予了高度赞扬,希望大家继续努力,多方面提升自己的能力。
In order to make campus life more enjoyable and develop the abilities of the students, our school organized the student talent show which was divided into two categories: art and music. Art works are composed of sculpture, calligraphy, oil painting and sketch. The chosen students’ works are exhibited in the lobby of the academic building. At 13:30 last Friday, the musical talent show started in the theatre. The performances not only included Chinese traditional musical piece Pipa and martial art but also English songs, poem recitation in both Chinese and French and African drums. Meanwhile there was also dance mix showing the energy and youth. The whole performances were splendid and high spirited. Principal Cantwell praised highly for the performances and encouraged the students to keep on their effort and learn more skills.