



男孩 女孩




5月29日,下午14:30分,黑利伯瑞国际学校的学生们期待已久的集会再次召开,11年级龚瑞德和陈晓雨同学担任主持。首先由刘天聪和龚泽宇同学介绍了周四和圣保罗国际学校足球赛的赛况,周四的球赛我校男女足双双失利,但面对身体、技术均优于我方的对手,我校足球队也展示出了顽强拼搏的精神和斗志,尤其是女足,收获了建队以来的首粒入球,赢得了大家的喝彩。安雨欣同学向大家介绍了去年暑假去澳洲游学的情况。John Cantwell校长在讲话中对足球队在比赛中展现出的斗志予以了赞扬,鼓励他们继续努力,并再次强调英语学习的重要性。10年级C班向大家集体朗诵了马丁·路德·金的演讲《I have a dream》,集会在他们高昂激情的朗诵中落下了帷幕!
At 14:30 of May 29, the Assembly was reconvened after quite long period of time. The hosts were Raymond and Kelly from Y11. First, Crystal and Gary introduced the football matches against Beijing Saint Paul American School which took place on Thursday. Both the boys and girls teams lost. Even though the opponents were dominant physically and technically, our boys and girls fought back with might and may especially the girls’team. They made their first goal ever which gained a big applaud. Amy shared her experience of her trip to Australia last year. Principal Cantwell praised the football teams for their commitment and encouraged them to keep on their endeavors. Once again, he emphasized the importance of English learning. All the students from Y10C recited the speech by Martin Luther King Jr. ‘I had a dream’. And that brought it to the end of the Assembly.