Last week, organized by the Student Welfare Department and English Department, we had the first English Vocab Contest. Vocabulary is the foundation of English study. The number of the words that a student knows is a measurement of his English study, the most import of which is the accumulation of the words on day to day basis.
经过前期的初赛和复赛,黑利伯瑞国际学校的初中和高中各5名同学进入了最终于5月22日下午在学校剧院举行的决赛。11年级的学生没有参加本次比赛,但作为工作人员为大家服务。在全校师生的注视下,经过4轮较量,决出了最后的胜利者。7年级A班沈泽华(Steven)同学和10年级A班黎金鹏(Mike)同学分别获得了初中组和高中组的第一名。John Cantwell校长向获奖者颁奖并鼓励大家再接再厉,在英语学习的道路上不断努力,继续进步。
After the preliminary contests, there were 5 students from the middle school and high school respectively who went to the final contest which was held in the theatre in the afternoon of May 22. Although Y11s did not participate the contest, they helped out in many ways. Observed by the all the students and staff and after four rounds of competition, Steven from Y7A and Mike from Y10A got the first place. Mr. Cantwell presented the rewards to the winners and encouraged the students to keep on studying hard and make progress in their English learning.